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Your Kingdom

Basics on Stats, Build Types and Lands

Your Stats

In Kingdoms at War your most important factor is your stats. Your stats are compiled of how many lands you have opened with leveled buildings purchased and placed on them.

Build Types

Lean the different build types to figure which way you would like to play Kingdoms at War whether it be player vs player, player vs epic battles, or even it out and play both styles to enrich your kingdom.

Lands & Buildings

Your lands and buildings are key to your growth. Learn about lands and buildings and what makes them different and what they offer you as you build your kingdom to be the most poswerful.

Your Stats

Each building purchased has several levels of upgrading, with each level having increased stats. Most players ask "Where are my stats?" well let's see where your stats are located and what you have.

Go to your profile page, when you do you will see a number of different areas such as, Equipment, Latest Achievements, Building stats, Ally bonuses, and more. To find your stats they are actually located in the Ally Bonus section. Your stats are found in the "to allies" area. Here is a example of the Ally Bonus area with your stats categories in Blue.
Kingdom stats location
So as you can see those in blue are your actual stats. Looking at the example the stats for...

Troop Attack 6,950
Troop Defense 4,600
Spy Attack 150
Spy Defense 150

So now you know where your stats are located you also know what kingdoms you can attack or spy on when looking at their stats on their page.

Build Types

Attack Build:
Less than 25% spy buildings, the rest attack buildings.

The advantage of being an attack build is you have more troops than all other builds, this being said you also have less spies than all other builds. Attack builds Gain most there plunder from there troops when hitting epic battles which you will learn about in the epic battle area. Being an attack builds has its pros being more troops and the disadvantage of being less spies, Being less spies means your able to be stolen from slightly easier being you have less of those to defend your self with.
Each build has a few different options to build within each Full attack/Balanced attack/Defensive attack

  • Fully Attack (which is stronger attack stats but weaker defense stats)
  • Balanced Attack (which is equal attack and defense stats)
  • Defensive Attack (which is weaker attack stats but stronger defense stats)

Hybrid Build:

Greater than 25% spy buildings, greater than 25% attack buildings.

Like the attack builds Hybrid builds have both attack and spy they are the balanced builds. Some advantages of this build is you have more troops than a Hansel would and more spies than an attack build would have, Some disadvantages to this build is they are able to be stolen more by spy builds.

Some variation of builds are listed below:

  • Attack Heavy (which is where around 75% of your buildings are attack based and 25% are spy based)
  • Pure Balance (where your attack buildings and spy buildings are placed equally, 1:1)
  • Spy Heavy (which is where around 25% of your buildings are attack based and 75% are spy based)

Hansel Build:

Build with less than 25% attack building and the rest spy atk buildings.

Unlike they attack builds or hybrids, Hansels typically have less attack troops any other build making them an easier target for players to attack you, also unlike the attack builds Hansel's gain most of there plunder from epic battles from their spies and not their troops, now that's not saying you won't gain plunder from attacking players or epic battles but most of your plunder will be from your spies.

There are a few advantages of being a Hansel

  • Your able to Steal, when stealing from other players you gain a little of there gold and the player in which you stole from loses more gold than you made.
  • Your able to Scout, Scouting another kingdom give you an option to view there kingdom to see what they have hidden or what building they have, while scouting them you do kill some of their spies.
  • Your able to Assassinate Other players or epic battles, when assassinating other players this takes both their troops and spies.

Pure Spy Build:

You have 0 attack buildings and all spy buildings.

Like a Hansel you too have all the same abilities which are:

  • Your able to Steal, when stealing from other players you gain a little of there gold and the player in which you stole from loses more gold than you made.
  • Your able to Scout, Scouting another kingdom give you an option to view there kingdom to see what they have hidden or what building they have, while scouting them you do kill some of there spies.
  • Your able to Assassinate Other players or epic battles, when assassinating other players this takes both their troops and spies.

The biggest disadvantage to being a pure spy is that you are able to be attacked by other kingdoms until you have 0 gold out, what this means is players can attack you unlimited amount of times until all your gold has been taken.

Lands & Buildings


land icons
All your lands that you unlock contain 25 spaces for your buildings, except for the lands you start with which contain 24 open spaces to build plus your castle. The castle when upgraded gives stat boosts to your troops and spies. At the current time there are 5 sets of lands which can be built on once unlocked:

  • Lowlands (lands you start off with at no cost)
  • Highlands
  • Hoarfrost
  • Abyss
  • Osmon Rai

Once you're ready to build on the remaining lands, you simply tap or click a square on the land and the purchase price will appear and confirm you want to open that land for building. Once you have purchased the land, you are now ready to spend some gold and purchase the building of your choice to place there. To buy your building simply tap or click the empty open land you just purchased and your buildings screen will appear next.

Once you placed a building, that building can be upgraded by tapping or clicking it on your land screen.


Buildings are what gives you your stats on your lands. Buildings come in tiers, these tiers are used for each tier of lands. All tiers of buildings give you same type of stats just in higher amounts for higher the tier land you are building on. Here are the types of buildings that can be built on your lands that you have opened.

  • Attack Heavy (Attack Heavy, Low Defense)
  • Attack Balanced (Balanced Attack & Defense)
  • Attack Defense Heavy (Defense Heavy, Low Attack)
  • Spy
  • Attack Defense Tower (All Defensive no attack included) Also known as "ADT".
  • Spy Defense Tower (All Defensive, no spy attack included) Also known as "SDT".
