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Term Definition
A Thinking Ape

Development company that created and maintains Kingdoms at War. Known recently as A Thinking Ape Entertainment, LTD.

Abyss Lands

Tier 4 set of lands after Hoarfrost criteria has been reached.


When a goal is reached in a certain criteria.


To be in game playing for a certain amount of time.

Ad Out

States you have placed a Ad in world chat. Normally posted in clan chat to notify members.


The Alchemist gives you the ability to use spells for strength and other abilities. Also provides equipment which can be bought with Mithril.


Are groups of clans that join together under one family name.


Players that you hire for stat boosts and for gold profit when selling.


Item used at the Mage for enchanting equipment.


Graphical icon that is displayed when a goal is reached in a certain criteria.


When a player is blocked from the game and can no longer play.


A flag that gives a stat boost. Can be seen on your profile page and some can be enchanted in the Mage.


Playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks between players.

Battle Cry

Plunder boost spell that works with epic battles and lasts for a specified amount of time that can be purchased with Nobility.

Battle List

Area of the game to locate and battle other players.


Acronym for Build Complete.


Bonus from Allies, your stats you receive from the allies you have purchased and have.


Known also as Bonus from Equipment.


When completing an epic battle as fast as possible using maximum amount of health crystals allowed.

Blood Rains

Alternate versions of current epic battles that have a shorter complete time and reward with plunder boost spells that last a specified about of time.

Bonus From Allies

Your stats you receive from the allies you have purchased and have.

Bonus from Equipment

Your stat bonus from your equipment that you have equipped.

Bonus to Allies

Your actual stats, these stats are given as a percentage to your owner for BFA.

Broken Sword

A spell given to those that are inactive during an EE war. Bans player from future wars for a set amount of time.


The type of combined buildings on your lands to create any of the following: Attack, Hybrid, Hansel, and Pure Spy.

Build Complete

To have opened all lands available in game and have maxed upgraded every building placed on them.


Are bought, placed on lands and upgraded to strengthen your stats. They house your units.


To use a spelling of a word to trick the in game text filter while chatting. Bypassing is against the TOU and is punishable by being silenced.


Short for Clan Chat. The chat area within a clan, to communicate with other clan members.


Home to house players, used for communicating, epic battles and war.

Clan Chat

The chat area within a clan, to communicate with other clan members.

Clan Rank

You position by number in your clan. Members are listed by the most powerful.

Clan Roles

Tiered ranks for clan members given by the clan owner.

Combined Stats

Is the total number of all your stats combined, ie. Attack, Attack Defense, Spy Attack, Spy Defense.


Short for Clan Rank. You position by number in your clan. Members are listed by the most powerful.

Used to upgrade buildings to according landset they go with.
Crux Chest

Are obtained through opening boxes from events. Gives plunder boosts for specific amounts of time.


Is the total number of all your stats combined, ie. Attack, Attack Defense, Spy Attack, Spy Defense.

Defender too Week

When an opposing players troops or spy levels are below 20%.


Acronym for "Developers" from A Thinking Ape.

A. Term used when an ally is not sold but rather removed without gold profit.
B. Known in epic battles, equipment and rewards drop.

Acronym for Defender too week.


Also known as Estoc Edge Wars, and is the current warring system for receiving rewards for winning the war.

Epic Battle

Clan hosted battles against creatures to obtain gold and rewards.


Items won from epic battles or events to give stat boosts to your build.

Estoc Edge

The known reward for winning Estoc Wars and has five levels that can be obtained.


A pre-designed activity that lasts a certain amount of time that is playerbase wide.


To hit another player repeatedly over 5 times in a row.


Public channel to ask questions and communicate with other kingdoms in the community.

Health Crystal

Allows player to regenerate troops and spies back to full. Can be obtained at the Oracle.


Tier 2 set of lands after Lowlands criteria has been reached.


Tier 3 set of lands after Highlands criteria has been reached by opening 15 Highlands.


Also known as the "Horn of Calydor". Can be bought in the marketplace with nobility and used to start the epic battle "Revenge of the Warbeasts"


Account not presently playing the game.


Acronym for "Individual Wars"

Individual War

An EE war style that utilizes all aspects of ones build, all lands, all BFA & BFE and Mith Spells. These wars place players into preset clans for warring.


Item used for enchanting equipment.


Your kingdom is the center of your account. Your Lands, Buildings, Units, Equipment and Allies make up your Kingdom.


When in war and opposing side depletes the last of your troops and spies to 0.


Acronym for "Knockout"

Land Complete

To have opened every land available in game.


Acronym for "Leaderboard".


Acronym for "Land Complete".


Top tier of players that rank the highest.

In game missions that carry goals to achieve for rewards.
Lowland War

An EE war style comprised of only using a players lowland stats. Also uses BFA & BFE but only gives a percentage boost of total. Mithril is not available for use in these wars. These are clan based wars.


Tier 1 set of lands that you start off with to build on and upgrade. Also is the home of your castle.


To be in clan chat, world chat, or forums but not speaking.


Mage enchants and upgrades equipment earned in epic battles an events using Inferno, Aqua, Mithril, and various other items.


Area to buy items to increase your power, and visit the Oracle, Alchemist and Mage.


The way a build works.


Item won as reward in EE wars, used for purchasing spells, buying and enchanting equipment.


Acronym for "Moderator".


Player(s) selected by A Thinking Ape to moderate communications and help players with information in game.


Notification area that shows all game notices. Including incomming hits from players, rewards received etc.


Acronym for "Newsfeed".


An expendable item that can be purchased to use towards buying items such as speakers, event item keys, and items in the marketplace for premium epic battles and for upgrading your account.


New player, or player lacking the fundamental information of the game.


Acronym for "Not Pinned".

Off System War

War that does not use any in game system war style, and is a free for all with no rules or regulations during battling.


The Oracle offers in app purchases, and abilities that can be bought with Nobility and Health Crystals.

Osmon Rai

Tier 5 set of lands after Abyss lands criteria has been reached after opening 15 Abyss lands.


Acronym for "Off System War".


To either deplete an opponents troops and spies to 0, they are in pin or when you have been depleted of all troops and spies you are in pin.


To earn gold.


Acronym for "Private Message".


Term used for item spells in the marketplace.

Private Message

A private chat directly between two players.


Is an event that has a small time cycle, normally ranges from 24 hours to 96 hours and gives special discounts, or rewards.


In game missions to play alone for making gold and earning rewards. A clan is not needed to complete quests.


Acronym for "Roll Call" or "Roster Check".


Troop and spy regeneration which occurs every five minutes at a specified percentage.

Roll Call

When players announce their presence before war begins.


Team of players in a single clan for war.

Roster Check

Can be also called "Roll Call" in EE wars, or is used during OSW in clans to check on clan members.

Scout Bomb

To use the scout action on a player more than 5 times to lessen their spies.

Seal of the Damned

Bought in the marketplace with nobility or dropped rarely from epic battles. Used to open the epic battle "Haunting: The Escape. Also referred to as "sod".

Self Knockout

Tactic in EE war to deplete both troops and spies to knockout yourself before the opposing clan knocks you out.


A punishment given by moderators or developers for breaking the Terms of Use. Mostly found to be done due to public chat channels such as World Chat, Walls and Forums.


To sit is to stay on a player and repeatedly attack or spy awaiting them to come out of pin.