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Welcome to World Chat

The largest chat platform in Kaw!

World Chat

World chat is the largest communication method in Kingdoms At War, and is also known as WC.

The cost to speak on the world chat is 1 speaker for each post.

  • You can purchase speakers in the Marketplace for one nobility point each. Device users get a regenerated amount per day.
  • Derogatory comments or those that bypass the profanity filter may get the silenced for an amount of time (dependent on the offense and previous offenses by the player). This silence only applies to World Chat and player walls (silenced players are still able to post in clan chat and in private message)
  • Spamming the World chat can also lead to players getting 'silenced'. This means posting the same or similiar message on world chat three times or more in five minutes. So only post ads every two minutes or similiar posts. Be sure to let your Clan chat know you posted an ad to keep fellow clan mates from being silenced.
** World Chat is moderated! Do not bypass the text filter, spam, or break the TOU or you will be silenced and not able to post in world chat.

World Announcement

World announcements, also known as WA, are posts that last 15 minutes and are located at the top of the world chat in the scrolling header.

World Annlouncement posts cost 26 speakers, which can be purchased in the Marketplace with nobility. Your world announcement may not show right away, wait for the current announcement to cycle through it's 15 minutes and yours will be visible right after.