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Apheriun Series Epic Battle NO QUARTER

With the gateway to the nether plane opened, your forces advance into the nether plane and the unknowns which lay beyond.

Series contains:

Length of Epic Battle

Maximum Completion time 12 Hours

Battle Actions

battle actions
Phase 1 of 4
Apheriun 100% | ATK & ASN
Phase 2 of 4
Legions of the Nether 130,000 | ATK & ASN
Nether Beasts 20,000 | SCT
Apheriuns Seal 15,000 | ITM: Seal of Deflection
Apheriun 70% | ATK & ASN
Phase 3 of 4
Apheriun's Improved Seal 15,000 | ITM: Seal of Deflection
Keep Apheriun's Improved Seal between 6,750 and 8,250
Apheriun 70% | ATK & ASN
Phase 4 of 4
Apheriun's Improved Seal 15,000 | ITM: Seal of Deflection
Maintain between 6,750 and 8,250
Seal of the Nether 30,000 | ITM: Seal of Lightning
Test to see if you can attack Apheriun every 1,000 - 2,000
Apheriun 20% | ATK & ASN
You can only hit Apheriun to finish the battle when you have both sweet spots found on the Improved Seal and the Seal of the Nether

Clan Unlock Bonus

Troop Attack +2% Troop Defense +2%
Spy Attack +2% Spy Defense +2%